Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Happy Earth Day!

Today we spent some time talking about Earth Day and how we can all do our part to help make the world a happier, healthier, more sustainable place to live.  I have challenged the students to celebrate earth day by DOING something for the earth.  

Choose at least one activity from the list below (or any other activity of your choosing!) and report back to the class. 

In our discussions, we talked about the fact that we need to be thinking about the earth every single day, not just on Earth Day - but Earth Day is a great place to get the conversation/change started!

How can we celebrate earth day? 

Here are some ideas from the grade 5/6 class:
  • Take a break from video games
  •  Use less paper
  •  Shut off the water when you are brushing your teeth
  •  Pick up litter in your community
  •  Plant a tree or flowers - do some gardening!
  • Turn off lights when you aren’t in a room
  •  Walk whenever possible
  •  Ride a bike
  •  Make a bird feeder with a pine cone, peanut butter, and seeds
  •  Have a home-cooked meal rather than pre-packaged or fast food
  •   Hang laundry on the clothesline instead of using the dryer
  •  Watch out for endangered animals (slow down!)
  •  Go outside and enjoy the beauty around you!
  •  Don’t waste food – eat everything on your plate
  •   Buy LOCAL food rather than food shipped from across the world
  •  Reduce!
  •  Reuse!
  • Recycle!
  • Compost!
  • Donate used clothing rather than throwing it in the garbage
  • Donate used toys rather than throwing them in the garbage
  • Educate yourself on an environmental issue/endangered species 
  • Use products that are environmentally friendly
  • Talk about the environment with others!
  • Bring containers rather than plastic bags to school for your recess/lunch


1 comment:

  1. Hi Grade 5/6,
    we really like your blog. It inspired us to start our own blog. Thanks for the ideas.
    Grade 4/5 at YCS
