Thursday, October 31, 2013


Happy Halloween!! Today is Halloween and we are very excited. Look at all of our candy for the party this afternoon, to celebrate Halloween. We are not sharing any of it.

Posted by:Tyler,Brooke,Katelyn,and Cale

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


On October 31, 2013 Carleton school will be having a Halloween party.  The students will dress up in the afternoon and do a parade through the school!! Some of the kids will bring candy for the party.  We are allowed to bring anything we want as long as it doesn't have peanuts in it.  Have a spooky Halloween!

                posted by.Sydney,Jersey,Hailey,Alexis

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Scary stories

This is the book our class will be reading on Halloween.  We will turn off the lights. We will shut the blinds and our teacher will get a flash light. Then she'll read the stories.  Sometimes she jumps out at people in the class. It is sometimes scary. Sometimes people get scared and have to leave the classroom.  Mrs. Wallace is not mean, she just likes to set the mood on Halloween.
posted by (Spencer, Quintin, and Olivia)

Monday, October 28, 2013

Hootie Recess

The whole school gets whats called a hootie recess. We earn it by nobody getting sent to the principal`s office for six days which is a cycle. We get to go outside for 15 minutes at the end of the day before the bell rings.The school gets to have fun and chill with our peeps. Its kind of like an extra recess at the end of the day. Its a way to reward us children to be good, nice, and well behaved toward one another!
Posted by: Lindsay, Savannah, Nathan, and Nolan.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Our Sunflowers Have Bloomed

These are our finished sunflowers, inspired by Vincent Van Gogh. It was a lot of hard work, but now that they are finished they look wonderful! The seeds were the hardest part, as we had to dab them on with Q-tips.

Posted by: Cale, Tyler, Katelyn, and Brooke.


Congratulations to Justin Gray for winning $300 worth of gift cards at the Fall Fair this past weekend!  Thank you so much to everyone who helped with this fundraiser!  :)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Remember earlier in the year when we took pictures and talked about collecting pop bottles?
Well we found out what we are doing for our art project...we are making jellyfish! They look great but we are not done yet.All we have to do is the tentacles we have all kinds of materials to work with.So much fun!They look swimmingly great!                                                    
                                                                                Posted by : Hailey, Jersey,Alexis and Sydney.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Star Awards

Every month at Carleton School we have a star award assembly and we find out who the star students are. Every one gets to be a star throughout the school year. To become a star student you have to behave and have fun. Not every one gets to be a star student if they do not behave.


Monday, October 21, 2013


Grade 5/6 is getting ready for Halloween. We started by this lovely pumpkin on Mrs.Wallace`s desk. In creative writing the subject is about Halloween. Were doing much more stuff in our classroom that have to do with Halloween. We are really excited for Halloween on the 31st. posted by Savannah, Lindsay, and Nathan.

Friday, October 18, 2013

What's All The Hoot About?

This is the Carleton school mascot. His name is Carl the owl.  He is down in the lobby by the gym where all the boys and girls get their exercise. He used to be called Hootie then we changed it Carl because it is the first 4 letters in Carleton. Posted by Jesse, Sarah, Sara, and Zachery

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Stop Bullying

This is our Carleton School poster.  It hangs in the hallway.  We rely on it to stop bullying.  Every student in the school traced their hand and signed it on anti-bullying day.  This also lets people who enter Carleton School know that we don't put up with bullying.

                                                                                                        Posted by:Tyler,Brooke and Cale.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Fall fair gift basket item!

Come on down to Carleton school's fall fair,Saturday the 19th 10 am to 1pm.
Grade 6 has made a item basket with relaxation things like candles,cream,face masks and many more things to do and relax with. Don't miss it and make sure to buy tickets at our gift basket table.The tickets you buy will help fund our grade 5/6 class trip to Halifax this year!

posted by Jersey,Sydney,Hailey,Alexis.:)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Piet Mondrian Art

In art class we made art inspired by artist Piet Mondrian. We used thick lines and thin lines and simple colours such as red, blue, yellow and black.  Mondrian used paint but we used construction paper to create our art.  Posted by: Spencer, Quintin, Olivia, and Matthew. 

Friday, October 11, 2013


Today we had Mr. Wallace, technology lead teacher from TCRSB, to our classroom.  He showed us a really neat website that allows us to make our own animations.  We are going to use this website in conjunction with creative writing this year.  This is Spencer's 'movie.'  You can create your own at

Fire Safety

Today we are going to the firehall to learn about fire safety. We are going down at 9:30 and it goes till 10:30. Do not forget the three steps of fire safety STOP, DROP, AND ROLL. Posted by Zach, Sarah, Sara, and  Monica.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Mystery Bottles...

Mrs.Wallace says we will be doing an art project with these empty 2L pop bottles. We wonder what they are for.They could turn into little Halloween people.We can't wait to find out.We already have 19 pop bottles. 2 more to go!  (Posted by: Tyler, Cale, Brooke, and Katelyn)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Reading Maniacs

Here's a great picture of a few girls/students in g.r 5/6 in our school library looking at some of our new books.We are so lucky to have all these brand new books in our school!!! these books are filled with juicy stories like humor, horror,mysteries and more. can't wait to dig in!

thank you.

                                                                          Posted by:Lexie,Sydney,Jersey,Hailey.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A Reminder

This is one of our mottos in our classroom.  We follow this motto in class as a reminder to do our best and to be nice to people.  (Posted by Spencer, Quintin, Matthew, and Olivia)

Monday, October 7, 2013


The past two weeks we had no water.  We had to drink from a water cooler.  Today we got our water back.  We had no water because it had bacteria in it.  (Posted by Nolan, Nathan, and Lindsay)

Win $300 in gift cards!

Our class is currently in the midst of a fundraiser to help pay for the cost of our year-end class trip to Halifax.  We need to raise approximately $4000 to be able to go and spend the night.  We are planning to go to Grand Pre, Pier 21, Empire Theatres, Jack Astors, Discovery Centre and Cole Harbour Place. 

We are selling tickets on a chance to win gift cards valued at almost $300!!!!  Tickets are only $2 each or 3 for $5.  Get yours today!  Draw will take place at the Fall Fair on Saturday, October 19th. 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Welcome to Room 207!

Welcome to our class blog!   Throughout the year we will be updating our blog regularly with information about what we are doing in class as well as information about what is going on in our school.  Please check-in often.  :)

Last week we learned a bit about artist Vincent Van Gogh and we created sunflower art inspired by him.  Students used paint and Q-tips to create sunflowers.  So much fun!